Endpoint - an internet telephone interface for computer, devoted VOIP phone, or mobile phone with internet access.
EMG - Enterprise Mobility Gateway.
FMC - Fixed Mobile Convergence
IM - Instant Messaging (text messaging)
iOS - iPhone Operating System, Apple's smartphone operating system
ITSP - Internet Telephony Service Provider
MNO - Mobile Network Operator
MVNO - Mobile Virtual Network Operator
NCC - Network Convergence Gateway
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
Over-the-Top - data applications offered through the basic internet service, or pipe.
PBX - Private Branch eXchange - a telephone exchange service that serves a private company, as opposed
to a common carrier.
Pipe - Internet cable
Presence - service that detects whether a person is on the telephone or not.
SDK - Software Development Kit
SIP - Session Initiation Protocol, VOIP software for endpoints
SMB - Small to Medium-sized Business
SME - Small to Medium sized Enterprise (business)
SMS - Short Message Service (text messaging)
UC - Unified Communications
URL - Uniform Resource Locator, an internet address
VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol
WCC - Wireline Call Continuity. From counterpath.com "Enables users to move
a call from their desktop or mobile VOIP phone to another device,
including their standard mobile phone or smartphone."